Micronutrients / Crop Supplements

Utah Plus

Utah Plus is a nano-technology built chemistry of micronutrients developed by agriculture Experts. Its specifically designed formulation fulfils the requirement of all essential nutrients for healthy and vigorous growth of plant. It’s a combination of Zinc, Iron, Copper, Manganese and boron protected under C shield which assures availability, supply and absorption of all nutrients to the plant without leaching down in the soil.
Its granular and 100% water soluble and can be used with any other fertilizer such as DAP, and Urea.

Active Ingredients: Iron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, and Boron

Crops Doses/Acre Time of Application
Rice 3-6 kg. 15-20 days after transplantation
Cotton 3-6 kg. At sowing / 20-25 days after germination
Wheat 3-6 kg. At sowing / with 1st Irrigation
Maize 3-6 kg. At sowing / 15-20 days after germination
Sugarcane 6-12 kg. At sowing / with 1st Irrigation
Potato 3-6 kg. At sowing / 15-20 days after germination
Leafy vegetable 3-6 kg. At sowing.
Vegetable 3-6 kg. At sowing / at flowering stage
Banana 20-25 kg. At sowing / at flowering stage
Orchard 200-400gms/plant After pruning / fruit setting stage.


Utah Zinc

Zinc is one of the essential micro elements required for various metabolic activities in plant for its consistent growth and development. Zinc activates series of enzymes important for protein synthesis and photosynthesis. It reduces leave shedding and helps flower initiation and helps plant to withstand cold temperature. A constant supply of zinc is required for optimum growth and maximum yield and its equally suitable for all crops.

Active Ingredients: Zinc

Crops Doses/Acre Time of Application
Rice 3-6 kg. 15-20 days after transplantation
Cotton 3-6 kg. At sowing / 15-20 days after germination
Wheat 3-6 kg. At sowing / with 1st Irrigation
Maize 3-6 kg. At sowing / 15-20 days after germination
Sugarcane 6-9 kg. At sowing / with 1st Irrigation
Potato 3-6 kg. At sowing / 15-20 days after germination
Vegetable 3-6 kg. At sowing / at flowering stage
Vegetable 3-6 kg. At sowing / at flowering stage
Orchards 200-300gms/plant After pruning / at fruiting stage.

Golden Starter

This exclusive formulation of macro and micronutrients in Golden Starter significantly impacts chlorophyl formation, protein synthesis, and other functions in plant. Golden starter is a combination of Organic & Inorganic Nitrogen, Potassium Oxide, Organic Matter, Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid, Zinc, Copper, and Iron. It improves soil structure by increasing aggregation of soil particle. It works a s a soil conditioner enriched with macro and micronutrients making it suitable for all crops and soil.
Golden starter does not react with any other fertilizer or pesticide and can be administered in combination with any of the products.

Active Ingredients: Nitrogen, Potassium, Organic Matter, Humic Acid , Fulvic Acid Iron Copper.

Crops Doses/Acre Time of Application
Cotton, Rice, Wheat, Potato, Sugarcane, Maize & Vegetables 4 - 10 kgs/acre (For average normal soils) 1st application: At the time of land preparation or after sowing 2nd application: At 30-40 days crop
Orchards 200 - 400 gm/plant (Depending upon the age and size of plants) 1st application: At growing stage. 2nd application: after pruning/ Fruiting setting stage.


Cash Plus

Cash Plus is a liquid multi micronutrient

Zinc, Copper, manganese, and iron significantly impact growth and overall health of plants. Their deficiency could lead to various diseases. Cash Plus is a one-of-a-kind formulation to fulfil all deficiencies occur in orchids and other crops, it ultimately increases overall yield significantly.

It is suitable for all crops and It can be administered in combination with fungicides or insecticide / pesticide where required.

Active Ingredients: Zinc, Copper,  Manganese, and Iron

Crops Dose per acre (per Spray) Timing of Application
Cotton 200-250 ml. From 1st insecticide spray till 4th spray for best results
Wheat 200-250 ml. 1st spray after first irrigation, 2nd spray after 15days of 1st spray and 3rd spray after 15 days 4th spray at the time of grain formation
Melon, Potato, Cucumber Tomato, Water Melon, Chilies, Lady Finger 200-250 ml. 1st spray 25 days after sowing 2nd spray at grain formation
Orchids 150-200 ml 1st spray at 25-30 days crop 2nd spray after 15 days
Tobacco, Onion 100-150 ml 1st spray at tuber initiation 2nd spray at bulking stage

Humicash 8Kg - 01


Humicash is an enriched source of humic acid extracted from best sources of Leonardite reserves with high humic acid content. It serves as a bio stimulant and soil conditioner, and helps to retain water. It regulates and optimize the pH of soil It improves fertilizers and nutrient uptake by making it available in the root system.  It contributes in growth and development of plant and enhances overall yield.

Humicash is not a replacement of fertilizer, instead it regulates the soil pH and enhances the fertilizer absorption

Active Ingredients: Humic Acid

Crops Dose per acre (per Spray) Timing of Application
Corn / Wheat / Cotton / Rice / Vegetables 8KG / acre Soil conditioner
Citrus 8 KG / acre Soil conditioner
Mango 8 kg / acre Soil conditioner

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