Switch is a potent contact fungicide its active ingredient is Sulphur. Its preventive and inhibits fungal spore germination by hindering various vital functions in fungal life cycle.
Switch is dual function in nature, it acts as a preventive fungicide as well as it helps plants cop up with Sulphur deficiencies since Sulphur is a secondary macronutrient, it’s essential for various growth functions such as protein synthesis and enzyme activity required for normal
plant function.
Switch is not mobile in plant therefore continuous supply is needed from emergence to maturity to get the desired results.
Directions for Use
- Start spraying at the appearance of 1st disease symptom OR when the environmental conditions are favorable for disease appearance, start spraying as preventive
- Repeat the application at 10-14 days interval
- Interval of sprays can be changed according to the intensity of the disease
- Take a small quantity of water in a container and dissolve the required quantity of Switch 80% WG in it. Stir this solution properly and mix it with the remaining quantity of water. The volume of total water required will depend on crop stage, crop cover, the total area to be treated, and the type of sprayer used.
- Use hollow cone nozzles for spray and ensure the thorough coverage of crop
- Switch can be applied to soil through flooding or by broadcasting mixed with fertilizer (Urea)
Target Crops: Rice, Mango, Watermelon, Musk Melon, Cucumber, Apple, etc.
Target Pests: Leaf spot, powdery mildew, etc.
Crops | Pests | Dose |
Rice | Powdery Mildew | 800 – 1000 gm / acre |
Mango | Powdery Mildew | 500 – 600 gm / 100 Lit of Water |
Watermelon, Musk Melon, Cucumber, Apple | Powdery Mildew | 500 – 600 gm / 100 Lit of Water |

Cymag is a combination of cymoxanil and mancozeb. it provides effective and long-term control of late blight in Potato & Downy Mildew / Blight in vegetables. It can be used as both a curative and preventative foliar fungicide.
Cymoxanil inhibits the synthesis of nucleic acids, amino acids, and other cellular processes in fungi lifecycle. It penetrates rapidly and when inside the plant, it cannot be washed off by rain. Mancozeb is a non-systemic fungicide with multi-site, protective action on contact. It reacts with, and inactivates, the sulfhydryl groups of amino acids and enzymes of fungal cell, resulting in disruption of lipid metabolism, respiration and production of adenosine triphosphate.
Cymag has preventive, curative and anti-sporulant actions and it can be applied at any stage of disease.
Active Ingredients: Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64%+others to make 100%
Crops | Pests | Dose |
Potato | Late Blight | 600 gm / acre |
Tomato | Late Blight | 600 gm / acre |
Musk Melons | Downy Mildew | 600 gm / acre |
Maidian is recommended for disease control with preventive with systematic and curative activity to aid in resistance management.
Active Ingredients: Azoxystrobin: 60gm/liter (4.82% w/w)
Chlorothalonil: 500gms/ liter (40.16%w/w)
Crops | Doses/Acre | Pest |
Tomato | 250-350 ml | Early blight |

Rescue is a systemic and mobile fungicide which prevents and control a range of fungal diseases. Its equally effective for orchids and vegetables. It helps maintain crop quality with safety
Active Ingredients: Fosetyl Aluminum: 80% w/w